Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lucky Guess

Tonight my second favorite class, K9 is done with their level and next time they will start with a new level. They just had to do their final exam corrections and then we played a couple of games. The first game was hangman and it was a phrase. We were playing for awhile and they were freaking out since the words were long like "earthquake". They were playing for awhile and one of the students really liked playing the game since he was the only that wanted to continue playing it.

We played one more time and I decided to choose the phrase "The Eiffel Tower". They were learning about different countries and what each country is famous for. I wasn't even ready to begin the game when that same student raised their hand and said is it "The Eiffel Tower"? I was in shock! I said yes and everyone started laughing lol It could have been any three words and he chose that phrase. It reminds me of the girl from Wheel of Fortune who guessed the whole phrase by only knowing one letter.


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