Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Almost settled in...

The above picture is me and my cousin making pottery bowls in Ying Ge. We both struggled to make an awesome looking object whether it was a bowl, cup, or vase. After the pottery man helped me, I just decided to quickly touch it up which really meant that he made it for me and I tried to shape it but ended up making it worse. But beside the point of my interesting bowl, I'm glad I accomplished the task of making a bowl or whatever since I have no artistic talent whatsoever. The reason why I'm explaining this story is because I'm happy I'm not giving up and sticking through things whether I'm scared or uncomfortable.

Today I had to open up a bank account. I thought there would be people who were able to speak English but I was wrong. All my coworkers go to this bank since the school is joined with the bank. I was proud that I was able to go by myself and open up a bank account and to communicate with the bank teller all in Chinese. Her English was bad and with her English and my Chinese, we got it all figured out. I think this is the last thing I need to do to "settle" in Taipei. I'm so happy! After two months of running around and making sure things are taken of, it's all done. I really hope I didn't jinx myself now lol


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