Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pretty Ximen

I was playing a game with my class tonight and they wanted to switch up teams. There were about 21 of them and I was dividing them up into 3 teams. They weren't happy about it and I said I would play paper, scissor, stone (Taiwanese version of rock, paper, scissors) to see if we can change teams. I played with a girl and we both threw scissors but everyone started laughing. I don't know why. I think I did it wrong because she was teaching me how when they shoot scissors, you use three fingers instead of two. I didn't really get it..oh well lol I just made them stay into the 3 teams :)

After work, Drew and I went to Ximen to meet up with Drew's friend Jason. They were going to watch Eclipse tonight and we went to the movie theater and they had all these awesome movie posters including Inception starring Leonardo DiCaprio :) The picture above is at Ximen. I'm so excited to watch it, especially in Taipei! Ximen is gorgeous at night. I went there in the day time and it's near the President's building. There is this shopping district and it's really Americanized. They have a lot of American brand name stores and food places. When Drew, Cala, and I went to Shinlin night market, they told me that there are people on the streets who illegally sell things. They put their items on a mat so in case the police comes, they can wrap it up and run away. Tonight at Ximen when I was walking to the MRT, the police on scooters were driving around and there were a lot of people running away with their huge mats. It's crazy how the police don't chase them but they run fast! Drew and Cala told me that you definitely don't want to get in their way.

I was walking home from the MRT at night after Ximen and of course I had to see a couple of cockroaches. It wasn't a big deal until I saw that one had WINGS. It was the first time I saw a cockroach with wings. Luckily it didn't fly. Bleh..



  1. inception loooks soooo good!!

    sounds exciting! lol cockroaches. you should see them in mexico. almost as big as your hand. :)

    love meganjoy

  2. Oh Lilly! I forgot to read your blog for a couple of days and it just makes me smile. Nice work on talking slower, that is hard to remember to do on top of everything else. The traffic sounds crazy, I don't know if I could handle it! Have a good week Lilly!!

  3. Megan- Yes!! Inception looks amazing! I'm so excited to see it..especially in Taipei. And yuck about the cockroaches!! They are huge here too but I don't think I saw one as big as my hand! Bleh

    Michelle- Thanks Michelle. Yes, I am speaking much slower! Such a relief..finally I am able to speak at a normal pace haha Have a great week as well! :)
