Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gym Class Lesson 101

Each week my coworker and I go to a kickboxing class every Thurs. night. It's usually crowded and there's not enough to room kick or do the moves. The instructor opened up a new class on Mons. so tonight it wasn't as crowded. It was really nice because there was actually enough room to kick and what not but still, people were being spatially retarded.

I was standing next to my coworker and all of a sudden this old lady stands right behind me. I look back so she got the idea to move back. I know she didn't know where to stand but she was really standing really close to me and my friend. I didn't have enough room to do the moves and it was really irritating. Then this girl was on the other side of my coworker and she doesn't know how to control where she kicks. She will kick but she will jump all over the place. She kept getting close to her, making her move back.

While we had a min. break, the same girl that was jumping all over the place stood right in front of her again! This time it was really close and we just looked at her. We were like, really? OMG lol I don't get it. I mean, it's just common courtesy to not stand so close. There was a lot of room but yet people would stand just a foot away. I don't think they understand the whole "this is my bubble" area lol Next time we are going to stand in the front of the class so we can always move up if people are too close to us.


P.S. This marks my 300th post!!! :D

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