Saturday, May 14, 2011

Professional photos

I wanted to blog yesterday but this website was unavailable so I couldn't post anything. What happened yesterday was I decided to make an appoint. to do professional pictures. I heard from many people that it's really nice here and although it's pricey, it's worth it since the pictures turn out really good. Fri. afternoon there was a photo studio right across my work place. I first went to check out the prices but since my coworker already went there, and this other Australian girl showed me her photos (she went to pick up her photos), I was easily persuaded. I made my appoint. for this Sun.

Basically they are glamour shots and besides giving me a nice book, poster, and cd, they will do my hair and makeup for free. I also get to choose 4 costumes and it's crazy since it will take all day, 9:30-4:00. They are expensive since it's around $400 but in the end it's worth it for me since I won't have a chance to take these photos. I could take them in the US but it's not the same since I want them done in Taiwan since it's something special and unique. Also I think Taipei is known for glamour photos. I heard good things about the studios in Taipei so I'm excited.

Tonight after work, my coworkers and I ate a really good pasta restaurant. The picture above is my pasta topped with smoked almonds. It was pretty delicious. Also, it's my 11th month mark that I've been in Taipei. I can't believe next month will be a full year!! WOW! I'm actualy leaving exactly 1 year and 1 month from when I first came on the date. Interesting huh? lol


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