Friday, March 4, 2011

Challenging games

I always try to come up with new, creative games and it's hard because sometimes I feel like I can't think of anything new. I get some ideas from other teachers but I also try to make up my own games. I taught my favorite class (A11) and I came up with some new voc. games and I'm happy since tonight the students had fun with the game and they were being challenged; they told me that themselves lol Since it's A11 and they have to study for new voc. words, I played this game where they have to think of any voc. word, tell me if it's a verb/noun/adjective, define it, then put it in a sentence. They write it on a piece of paper. Then I write the voc. words and then for the next round, they can't use the voc. words on the board and they have to think of other voc. words (without using their voc. word list). So basically they need to depend on their memory but also the chance that another person didn't use the voc. word. Then if another person thinks of the same word, then they don't get the point. It's pretty fun and I played it with my half-day class and although they are 9, they did a good job! Ah, I'm such a English teacher nerd lol


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