Saturday, March 12, 2011


Tonight while Drew, my coworker, and I were walking to get dinner, Drew told me that I was a phobophobia. He was teaching about being scared in his classes and he looked up the lists of phobias and said that I was a phobophobia, scared of being scared. Technically the definition says scared of having a phobia but yes..I am scared of being scared. I've really become a scaredy cat these past couple of years. I don't know if it's because I watched too many scary movies when I was little or because I'm older so I worry a whole lot more. I'm sure there are many reasons but last night I watched the ending of this television series that I was addicted to and it was scary (to me) since someone died in an awful way in the show. It didn't make it better that he was my favorite character.

It was so bad that I couldn't sleep last night plus because of the tsunami that hit Japan. I was afraid the tsunami would come to Taiwan too or that we would have an earthquake. It's gotten so bad that I stopped watching dramatic television shows because I can't handle the suspense. I hate scary movies now, I can't stand to watch them, and I can't even watch suspense thrillers. It stinks too because Leonardo DiCaprio, my favorite actor, always make suspense movies and I just cringe throughout the whole movie, practically closing my eyes. It's gotten to a point where I wished that he would stop making drama movies so I can watch them lol That's why I like watching sports because it's exciting and yet soothing haha I don't like watching the news either. Yep, I'm a huge scaredy cat and it doesn't make it better when Drew knows and he tries to scare me every second of the day lol I keep telling him that by the time I leave, I will have high blood pressure because of him.


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