Last night was awful. Kenny kept all of us up although Drew was home. He just kept meowing incessantly and I woke up 4x to yell at him but he kept meowing. I even tapped him on the head and yelled at him but he still kept making noise..urgh it was a rough night. Hopefully he will feel more comfortable sleeping in Drew's bed and won't have to walk up and down the hallway meowing lol
Today Drew brought to work some candy from the US that is hard to get here in Taipei like butterfingers and reeses peanut butter cups. My Taiwanese coworker just came back from Canada a couple of weeks ago and bought white chocolate mini cups for us too. I ate a ton of those but anyway so my other Taiwanese coworker was saying how big the reeses peanut butter cups were compared to the mini cups. They've never seen the regular peanut butter cups before. My other coworker was so surprised of how sweet and fatty they were lol And the reeses that Drew bought were the ones that were just individually wrapped, not the normal package that comes with two cups and so when we told them that,they were extremely astonished by it lol I was telling my coworker how I lost weight because I used to drink pop all the time back home and she was surprised that a lot of people in the US drink pop. In Taiwan a lot of people drink tea since they have a lot of variety to choose from. It's just interesting because you never think about how one thing is common in one place but completely strange in another.
The weather's been cool lately but that's because there is a megastorm in the Phillipines and so we are getting the effects of the storm. After work I wanted to go running but it was raining pretty hard. I usually run in the rain if it was drizzling but it was downpouring tonight. So instead I did some jumping jacks at the apartment haha Hopefully it won't rain as much this week and I can get more sleep. Drew suggested to squirt Kenny with water if he doesn't stop meowing. It's one thing if you are meowing loudly at 10am but to meow non-stop at 4am is not cool!
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