This afternoon I was planning on mailing some postcards and gifts to my friends at the post office. I left around 2pm and I worked at 5pm thinking I would have enough time to get everything done. I was planning on mailing seven gifts and some of them were heavier than others. I first had to ask a person where I could buy the boxes since when you first walk in you just see counters. The worker outside told me to go to counter 12. I went to counter 12 and I asked the guy what kind of sizes do the boxes come in. He showed me a couple but I asked for the smallest box since I'm mailing smaller things. He still showed me this box that was a tad bit bigger than I needed but I bought four of them anyway. I then asked another worker what kind of slip I should fill out since I'm mailing things to the U.S.
The guy was wondering why I was mailing so many things to the U.S. and that it's really expensive to mail things there. I said I know but it's okay. Then he was showing me two different ways of mailing things and I started filling out the forms and taping the boxes only to find out that I wouldn't have had enough money since I didn't bring too much with me. I asked the same guy how much it would cost and he was trying to help me but he was getting frustrated since he didn't understand why I was spending so much money but honestly I was only spending about $15 USD which is nothing compared to the U.S especially since I'm mailing overseas. Then he said he was really busy and that he couldn't help me anymore and I needed to go to another counter.
I went to another counter and the lady also asked me why I had such small things in a big box. I said it's because my Chinese is bad and the guy didn't understand what I was saying, it's okay! She said that next time I need to show him what I'm mailing and she was going on and on about how much money I could be saving and that I should have bought a big envelope instead of a box. I just wanted to mail two things and then there was more confusion since I didn't know if it had to be that specific person that I'm mailing to sign when they receive the gift or anyone. I didn't have it where the person had to sign it since I didn't want to deal with the hassle. Luckily I didn't need to spend more money mailing them out since I did waste money on buying boxes. I luckily returned one of the boxes since I didn't put tape on them but the others I had to keep. It wasn't a big deal using a box but they just didn't understand why I would be spending all this money.
Then I was going to buy the big envelopes but I was so frustrated with all the lecturing that I said nevermind and I will come back later. The lady wouldn't let me go and before I left she gave me custom slips so I know to use big envelopes instead of boxes and use a different form. I was holding up a line and a lady behind me was mad and I was at the post office until 3pm!! I had three boxes and my unsent items so instead of going straight to work I had to go back home to dump all my things off. I was so irritated.
Before work I wanted to get this scallion pancake that I actually made a lot when I was back in the U.S. 蔥抓餅. It's 蔥抓餅 and not 蔥油餅 (oil is replaced with the character that means grab) because the scallion pancakes are made by grabbing the pancake. Anyway it's my favorite Chinese food and you can add hot sauce, this type of green vegetable, and egg. The lady asked me if I wanted egg and I had to tell her three times that I did not want egg but I wanted the vegetable and hot sauce. I guess it just wasn't my day for people to understand what I was saying.