Today I went to pay the utility bill at...7-Eleven!! 7-Eleven or any convenience store for that matter is really a convenience store. You can buy and get anything and you can pay off bills like utility and electricity bills. They have a printer there so you can print things off by using a USB. Convenience stores are awesome here lol
I really like my Fri. night class. I always talk about them a lot but that are an upper level class A-10 (Advanced level 10) and the highest in the children's department is A-13 and passed that is considered the adult department. One of the students Eric always messes up on his words and it's just way too funny sometimes. Tonight they had a quiz and some of their voc. words are "sweat" and "shake." The sentence is "I s____ a lot after I exercise." Eric is the first one done and he writes "shake." Since he got done quickly I asked him if he wanted to recheck his answers. I pointed at the sentence and he was like oo and starts laughing. I couldn't help but laugh too. Everyone was wondering what we were laughing about. I know it's really not that funny but I was just imagining someone exercising and then shaking afterwards lol
Then they had to do their reader in the book and we were actually reading a somber story about this person who died while he was hiking in Alaska because he ate a poisonous potato. Sounds interesting but their voc. word is poisonous so it makes sense that it was a poisonous potato..ok to me it makes sense lol Anyway I suggested to play the game popcorn where after they get done reading, they say popcorn and then call a student's name and then that person has to read. This time they wanted to do the popcorn game but instead of saying popcorn, they wanted to use random words like watermelon. Eric was reading and then he says neutrogena. One of the girl's name in my class is named Gina. Some of the students didn't get it but I did and some other students and we started laughing lol It was pretty clever to say neutroGENA.
Yes, my sense of humor is compared to that of a 11 year old lol
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