Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pomelo hats

This morning I grabbed the pomelos that I left for work and then went to the post office. I succeeded in mailing the things I wanted to mail! It took awhile but not as long as last time. It also didn't cost that much considering I did mail a lot of things to America. This lady behind me though was really angry because I was taking forever and after the guy figured out how much to mail my things, I then asked him how much stamps cost. He was a little irritated and I could tell he wanted me to leave because it took forever for him to get everything figured out and of course my Chinese was bad. I bought one stamp by accident so I need to go back there again. I talked to my aunt about it this evening and there is a post office near her work so I might just go there because I don't want to go back again to the post office near my house since I've been there twice already.

As I said in the previous blog, I haven't had a pomelo before and I brought them to my aunt's and uncle's house tonight. The inside part looks like an orange or grapefruit and it tastes a little sweet but also a little sour. Yesterday at work Drew and my coworkers were telling me that during Moon Festival (Mid-Autumn Festival), they peel the skin on the outside and wear it like a hat. I didn't believe them since they were teasing me beforehand and they know I'm really gullible but I guess it's true. Tonight my aunt and uncle cut the pomelo like a hat (picture above). It was pretty cool and we tried putting the pomelo hat on my aunt's and uncle's dog Rocky lol He was so scared and he hid.

Then later tonight I was walking home when I realized how there were so many scooters parked on the street. Scooters are extremely common and they are everywhere but I decided to take a picture of it since I haven't yet (picture above). Also, there is a typhoon that is coming towards Taiwan and the forecast says it will hit Sun. and Mon. Crazy! We have typhoon days so I won't have class on Mon. if it's really bad outside. I already have Sun. off so it doesn't matter. I'm a little nervous about the typhoon but also a little excited although I guess I remember now that I have experienced a typhoon when I was in Hong Kong with my family during one of our summer vacations. It's also interesting because typhoon season already passed so this typhoon is late.


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