Monday, September 13, 2010

1/4 Mark

Today is exactly three months since I've been in Taipei. It's going by so fast! :( It's only a 1/4 way in but I know six months will come up quickly. I'm getting really comfortable with teaching, living in Taipei, and I've been running a lot. There are two school tracks near my apartment and it helps that my roommates also like running. I run now 3x a week and about 3 miles per day. Sometimes I don't have time to run or I'm tired from teaching but for the most part I at least run 2x a week.

I lost weight and it could be because I'm exercising but I think it's mainly because I've stopped drinking pop. In America I drank coke like it was my life but now I drink tea and coffee. I drink coffee only when I teach (almost every day), drink tea regularly, and surprisingly I don't miss coke.

I lost 1 kg = 2.2 pounds so far and the last time I drank coke was a couple of weeks ago. The tea selection here is great and it's real tea, not Nestle or Arizona tea that is packed with sugar. You can add sugar or ice cream but even then, tea tastes like tea!


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