This morning I took the analytical writing portion for the GRE at National Taiwan University. The test was at 8:30am and I had to get up early to get some coffee. I took a taxi there and got there about 35 mins before the test started. Right away I knew it was going to be a little awkward since everyone was looking at me but I didn't want to think about it. I thought there would be other people taking the GRE test but all of them took another test that allowed them to use a calculator.
I was already tired from waking up early but I had no patience in dealing with the test adminstrators. I understand English is not their first language and I am still experiencing culture shock but I felt like I was treated like I was 6 years old. The lady was trying to find me since I was an American and she didn't even say my name. She looked at each person individually while we were sitting outside the classroom in desks and she came across me and said "YOU" in English. I was like umm yes? lol They were trying to speak English which was nice but I told them I could understand Chinese and I would reply back in Chinese. I have to get my photo taken before I take the test and while I was sitting down, the guy was trying to move my seat to adjust the camera and the other test lady next to me giggled and said in English, "take it easy." A lot of people tell me that phrase a lot lol I usually would just laugh but I was very annoyed. I was only moving because they wanted me to adjust the seat but then he would tell me not to move but that I need to move my chair. Then when I was in the testing area, they kept telling me where I should click the buttons and I was so frustrated and said "I know" in Chinese. The directions were in English so I don't understand why they kept checking up on me. I understand they were trying to be nice but I just wasn't in the mood for it.
When I took my test, I was so mad about everything that I just wrote my essays and I didn't even think about taking the test. I just kept writing and writing and the two hours passed by quickly. Being angry and frustrated has cured my test anxiety! So when I take the other portions in Oct., I have to make sure I am angry again lol
After I got done taking the GRE, I stopped by a supermarket and there were two older ladies trying to choose what kind of crackers to buy. I was reaching to grab two bags of crackers that taste exactly like animal crackers. They are only $10NT a bag which in America is only 30 cents. After I grabbed the bags, one of the ladies grabbed it and they were conversing in Taiwanese so I don't exactly know what she said but I understood what she meant because she grabbed it, pointed at the price and then pointed at me and then to the crackers and said strong in Chinese. She basically meant that I am strong by eating these crackers. I smiled and she kept pointing at me and the two bags I was holding and smiling. It was so cute! I wanted to say something but I don't know any Taiwanese and I was too tired to speak Chinese and didn't want to start a confusing conversation so I smiled politely and left.
Then when I was going to work, I took the bus with Drew and I moved to another seat which was close to the window so a guy can sit down and he kept thanking me and telling me that I am very nice. I said it's okay! I was very quiet and he kept talking to me and he was surprised that I was an ABC. He said my Chinese was really good since I just got to Taiwan. I said umm no but thank you! lol He studied in America for 2 years and he was a very nice friendly guy! So of course once in awhile I run into some mean, awkward, and frustrating people because I can't speak Chinese well but then I also encounter nice, friendly people who really make my day!
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