Monday, August 16, 2010

I talked to the luwei guy=七夕節

Today is exactly two months since I've been in Taiwan but if you count by the date then last Sat., (Aug. 14) was exactly the two month mark. Today is Chinese Valentine's day called qi xi jie or qing ren jie. Tonight I looked up more information about the holiday and I guess girls would wash their hair at night to give them a fresh, new shiny look. Lovers would go to the matchmaking temple to ensure their long-lasting love while single people can also go there to hope for new love. Ironically I washed my hair tonight so hopefully I will have a "fresh, new shiny look." lol

After work my coworker wanted to get luwei. I went with her and the workers know her since she goes there a lot. She doesn't know that much Chinese so I was sort of her translater although she wanted to know what kind of food they served but I didn't even know myself. I have a crush on one the workers who is the older brother. His younger brother works with him and he knows little English. He was really nice and asked us where we were from. I spoke Chinese to them and I asked them for their English and Chinese names. The guy I like is named Calvin and I told him it's an American brand name lol He started laughing and his brother's name is Eason who is a popular singer. Then we were talking about Chinese names and I told them mine and they thought it was cute lol I was trying to figure out Calvin's Chinese name and first it was yellow (huang 黄) and then he said ji. I didn't quite get it and Calvin doesn't know any English and his brother was trying to explain and Calvin told him that it was too hard to explain to me. I thought it was chicken like 雞 and yeah chicken has a bad connotation so when I said that, they started laughing. I was pretty embarrassed but oh well. Then they gave us free desserts made out of plum jelly that they made and my coworker and I were so surprised. I was excited to finally talk to him though especially on Chinese Valentine's day ;) haha

It's crazy to think that I've been here for two months. I have done so much stuff and so much stuff has happened that it's a whirlwind. I really like Taipei and it's sad to think I only have 10 months left. It seems like 10 months will be awhile but 2 months flew by so quickly. I'm still not used to everything and I wish my Chinese was spectacular but it just takes time. Summer classes are ending next week! It's crazy to think fall is coming so soon but it has definitely been one of the best summers I've had!!!



  1. Haha I have been rooting for you and that guy! ;) I hope your next ten months are as fun as the first two!

  2. Haha Melanie..the luwei guy is just a silly crush. He can't even speak Chinese and he has really bad teeth! LOL But thanks for the support I appreciate it! And yes, I really hope the next 10 months go well too :)

  3. Haha, silly crushes are always the most entertaining, especially if they come with nicknames like luwei guy!! :)
