There are many phrases in Chinese that cannot be directly translated with the same meaning or connotation in English and vice versa. In Chinese, a lot of people say that's sexy which means a lot of things for ex: cool, pretty, or sexy. It's sorta like the famous phrase from Paris Hilton "That's hott."
I teach a writing class and today's composition prompt was about having a computer game in a bedroom and if it's a good or bad idea. One of my students were talking about online games and he said that these computer games are sexy and scary lol I told him that you shouldn't use the word sexy but I understood what he meant. Then later tonight my roommate had an oral exam for her class and she asked them how they were and one of the students said he was sexy. After she made him ask again what he said, he knew he said something wrong so he said he was hungry lol
So something that I didn't blog about yet was about the new addition to my apartment..Kenny the cat! (second picture above) My ex co-worker/teacher who I replaced left for the States about a month ago and he had a cat. He needed someone to take care of him and my roommate offered to have the cat Kenny live with us. Kenny is such a cutie but he meows A LOT and LOUD too! It's because he wants attention but he will just meow all the time and the walls of our apartment are thin so you can always hear him. There is a long hallway between my room and Drew's and he likes to stand outside my doorway and meow. One time I got home and he would meow 5 secs straight. It was the scariest thing because he wouldn't stop meowing and he would even have his mouth wide open! He is a really mellow cat though..one time Cala put all these tissues and things on him and he didn't even freak out about it! (second picture above)
Yay, nice to meet your new kitty!